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HomeNewsCasualtiesCivilians killed by a blast of landmine of unknown origin in Idlib...


Civilians killed by a blast of landmine of unknown origin in Idlib governorate on August 20

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The child Muhammad Mahmoud al Damour, Mahmoud Khaled al Damour and Khaled Ahmad al Qaddour were killed on August 20, 2020, when a landmine of so-far unknown origin exploded while they were in a farmland located between Kafranbel city and Kansafra village in the southern suburbs of Idlib governorate while their bodies were discovered on August 21, 2020, after they had been reported as being lost after the explosion. SNHR is still trying to contact witnesses to obtain more details of the incident.
SNHR calls on the governing forces in each area to bear responsibility for protecting civilians in the areas under their control, to reveal the sites of planted landmines and to remove them. We have documented hundreds of deaths and injuries resulting from landmine explosions, which will continue to constitute a real threat to people, particularly children, for several years to come.