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HomeNewsCasualtiesMassacre due to government forces shelling on Tariq Al Bab neighborhood in...


Massacre due to government forces shelling on Tariq Al Bab neighborhood in Aleppo city in June 20

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SNHR: 5 civilians from the same family including a child and 3 women died in government warplanes and its allies missiles fired on Tariq Al Bab neighborhood in Aleppo city, June 20, 2016.
الشبكة السورية: 5 مدنيين من عائلة واحدة، بينهم طفل و3 سيدات، توفوا جراء قصف الطيران الحربي الحكومي (حلفاؤه) بالصواريخ حي طريق الباب بمدينة حلب، في 20 حزيران 2016.

طريق الباب